
Monday, December 31, 2007

Year In Review

In short, 2007 didnt treat me well.

But Lets start with the good things that happened in 2007.
I have grown older *like DUHH of coz* mentally at least, growth much wiser and more mature.
I have made a lot of new friends. A lot of good friends too.
People like Carter, Shirley, Cheryl etc.........
Thanx to all who came into my life and support me when i was really down,
Thanx to all those who had fun and share their joy me me.

If i were really to list out all the SH*T things that happened in 2007,
i guess this post gonnnaa be THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT loonnnnngggg.
too many things that happened out of expectation, life was that smooth,
i have put it through!!!
so let us look forward to the year 2008!!!
may all the goods and rush in and shower us!!!

Have a great 2008!!!!

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